The path to each source and target model location will be held in an Entity UDP. Relationship lines will indicate related models. My personal next action step is to use the API to build a relational model that shows the relationships between the linked models. It is a top-flight entity-relationship modeling tool that provides the necessary documentation and graphical representation of data requirements to support communication within and among IT project teams. Once I know what models are related I can open them in ERwin and use the Sync with Model Source editor along with the built in reporting tools to generate an Excel or HTML report of the linked objects. The erwin Data Modeler tool has enjoyed broad usage at CMS for over two decades. I, personally, think this is a waste of time. Increased support for the reporting repository, by extending the number of objects and properties exported to the reporting repository. Additional general database feature support including support for packages and functions. With very complex queries or using the API it would be possible to open two models and start loading the items on either side. Increased Oracle Database 11g feature support. The problem is that there is an array that contains the Long Id (a large string, in hex) that contains a list of each related object and there is another array that contains the mapped objects.

erwin is a data modeling tool or environment on which, OFSAA currently depends.
#Erwin data modeler documentation download
Is there a way of generating a report that can show you related objects on an object by object basis? The answer is yes. Impact of erwin use on the Data Model Documentation Purpose of this Guide Data Dictionary Download Specifications Report Generation Process 2.1 OFSAA Data Models in erwin Since OFSAA version 5, the data model has been defined and delivered as an Erwin file.